*MENU HELP Select options to view the data on the color screen of your computer or view a tutorial (recommended for all first-time users). VIEW DATA - allows you to see much of the data (including several layers of data) from the CD-ROM on your screen in a variety of formats. These include user-defined color displays of raster images (i.e., a color picture), point data locations (with colors and symbols designed to display value ranges), and boundary overlays for reference purposes. Additional features let you select area of interest and data ranges for appropriate data sets on the compact disc. Data may also be presented as contours, profiles or values at a specific point. RUN UTILITIES - additional utility programs that may be executed from this point in the system and also can be run as stand alone programs at the DOS prompt. MAKELBL - create a label (.LBL) file for a user raster image SHOW - display .BMP image files in an EGA slide show RUN TUTORIAL - provides a slide-show style presentation of how to use the software. Examples of displays are presented, followed by the sessions which were used to create some of these images. NOTES ON SYSTEM PROTOCOLS: ESC - go to a previously requested (higher level) menu. During display of data, it will interrupt the data layer being plotted. F1 - obtain on-line help. F2 - re-display choice options (only used when changing previously selected options). F10 - complete any process. If during a selection you only wish to change one item, this feature saves you the time of having to confirm individually each screen item. The document files listed below can be viewed by using the TYPE command or the MORE command at the dos prompt. These files can also be viewed by your favorite text editor in ASCII mode. \IMAGE\BOUNDARY\COASTHI\COASTHI.DOC \IMAGE\BOUNDARY\COASTLO\COASTLO.DOC \IMAGE\BOUNDARY\COUNTY\COUNTY.DOC \IMAGE\BOUNDARY\STATE\STATE.DOC \IMAGE\CONTOUR\DNAGGRAV\DGRAV.DOC \IMAGE\CONTOUR\DNAGMAG\DMAG.DOC \IMAGE\CONTOUR\ETOPO5\ETOPO5B.DOC \IMAGE\CONTOUR\ISOSTAT\IGRAV.DOC \IMAGE\CONTOUR\MAGSAT\MAGSAT.DOC \IMAGE\DEMO\DEMO.DOC \IMAGE\POINT\STRESSB.DOC \IMAGE\POINT\THERMALB.DOC \IMAGE\POINT\SEISMIC\EQ.DOC \IMAGE\RASTER\RASTER.DOC \IMAGE\RASTER\AVHRR\AVHRR.DOC \IMAGE\RASTER\TOPO\TOPO30.DOC